I am Sandra Louise.

I am, probably just like yourself, someone who is curious and hungry to discover the depths of life, love and intimacy. 

Once upon a time I was working my ass off trying to make the world a better place at any cost and at the expense of my health and wellbeing.

I was longing to live a life in balance and to be there for everyone else, except I wasn’t able to be there for me.

To nobody’s surprise, I had a burnout and I lost all sexual desire, causing a lot of pain and struggle in my relationships and my life.

It turns out, one of the main reasons for my burnout wasn’t that I was working way too hard for way too long.

It was my inability to feel and express my anger, shame and rage in a way that would help me set healthy boundaries and not constantly think I had to work harder or more in order to not disappoint anyone around me.

It wasn’t easy, and it was painful AF, but I ended up leaving the relationship, and the visionary projects where I was hoping to save the world somehow.

I allowed myself to release everything, especially the roles and identities I had taken on - to start to learn how to listen to myself in the deepest way possible, to FEEL everything that was actually going on inside. Including my anger, sadness and shame.

So I jumped off the rat race for a bit, I learned how to heal through pleasure, how to alchemize and transmute shame, anger and sadness with pleasure and turn it into aliveness, direction and purpose.

I became the most alive, vibrant, loving and pleasure-filled version of myself.

I can now happily be part of creating change in the world again, while I take care of myself, set boundaries, communicate clearly, and allow for more love, bliss and connection with my parner, friends, family & community than I ever thought was possible.

I became the leader I was born to be.

In this process I started seeing and learning about my relationship and love patterns, and slowly, I began rewiring my nervous system and body for a different kind of love.

I called in the biggest, most expansive and wondrous, healthy and stable love. One that I secretely always hoped I would experience, but also was afraid I would never be able to manifest.

I am now on a journey of expanding in love and partnership every day, in awe of how beautiful love and relationships can feel when we are committed to doing our own inner work, and when our relationships can be a safe space to be held, seen, truly understood, and loved.

I want this for you too my love.

Deeply in love.

Connected with your souls aliveness and purpose, to be the force for change in the world you were meant to be!